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How Market Leadership Benefits
Our Customers

Global Presence

Eclipse Combustion operates globally with keen awareness of our unique responsibility to a diverse and growing community of customers. We fully understand and accept the fact that we alone are responsible for your 100% satisfaction. That's why our entire organization is deeply committed to doing whatever it takes, whenever you call.

Our global structure enables us to help our customers compete in the international marketplace, everyday, in every industrialized country in the world. To facilitate that effort, we have established and staffed over 80 sales and engineering offices in major cities and countries around the world serving four well-defined regions:
-America's Region
-Europe, Africa and Middle East Region   -Asia -Pacific Region -Korea, Taiwan,      China, Asian Region
-Australia -Japan -India Region


Application Knowledge

Eclipse founder Garnet McKee's classic book-Heat Treatment of Steel and Gas Furnaces-helped launch the modern stove and furnace industry in 1911 .A furnace manufacturer for more than half a century (we divested that business in the mid-1950s to focus on our combustion technologies), Eclipse knows and understands the engineering, quality, sourcing and service concerns of OEMs. We've been there.

From design assistance required by the largest OEM to the single burner performance demands of the smallest end user, Eclipse stands alone with a worldwide network of experienced sales engineers based in the field-where you need them, when you need them. These strategically located professionals are the most knowledgeable and accessible in the industry. Recognized and acclaimed by our customers and by the industry in general, they are the best of class. World class.

The resources of these facilities are available to you around the clock. They exist to provide you with the best products and services possible- before, during and after the sale.

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