Designed for low maintenance and a long service life.

  • Interchangeability among Series B meter bodies of the same size.
  • Permanently lubricated for long life and virtually maintenance- free operation.
  • Modular design allows a quick-change to a different version at a lower overall cost.
  • Durable, weather resistant cover with improved sealing capability
  • Versatile and configurable odometer masking.
  • Universal Instrument Drive (ID) assembly -one size fits all 8C-56M Series B Meters.
  • Quick and easy field installation of the low cost Solid State Pulser.
  • Available with factory pre-installed magnets for quick installation of the Solid State Pulser or Model 5 Prover Field Counter Pulser Module.

Counter (CTR)

An 8 digit non-compensated index registers displaced volume in Actual Cubic Feet (ACF) or in Actual Cubic Meters (m3).

Temperature Compensated (TC)

Temperature compensation, available in meter sizes 8C-16M, is accomplished by a mechanical computer with a spiral bi-metallic thermocouple (probe) located in a sealed temperature well at the meter inlet. Series 3 TC Units provide corrected gas volume readings to a 60°F (15°C) base temperature for readout in Standard Cubic Feet (SCF) or Normal meters Cubed (Nm3) between flowing temperatures of -20°F and + 120°F ( -29°C and + 49°C).

Counter or Temperature Compensated with Instrument Drive (CD/TD)

The Universal Instrument Drive (ID) Assembly adapts to the CTR and TC Accessory for installation of a corrector, chart recorder, or other externally mounted, mechanically driven device. The ID Assembly is mechanically linked to the CTR/TC mechanical gear reduction unit. One revolution of the instrument drive dog represents a specific displaced volume measured by the meter.

Solid State Pulser

The ROOTS solid state pulser mounts directly to a CTR/TC Unit, generating low frequency pulses representing volumetric information for remote reading. Mechanical switches have been eliminated for maximum reliability. No battery or maintenance is required.

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